Business As Usual cont...

Posted by mmog37 | 11:37 AM

It's been about a week since my last post here.  At the time of my last writing I was on the verge of ranting about "business as usual."  I was joking with my children the other day, to not set their hopes too high.  At the rate things are going, by the time they are grown Customer Service will be reduced to someone sitting at a desk pushing buttons on a console with pictures...kind of like what they have at McDonald's now.

  I'm all for people making their jobs easier, but not at the expense of the people they are supposed to be servicing or helping.  The funny thing is that it takes a whole lot more work and energy to try and avoid doing your job or halfway doing and then having to do it over again.

  Maybe it's me...maybe I am just being tested to see how i will respond when people pretend to be inept (they are pretending right?) Maybe someone is following me at a distance waiting to catch me respond negatively and then put it on youtube for the world to see.  Whatever the case I refuse to let them upset me.