Think Before You Speak...

Posted by mmog37 | 10:56 PM | Comments

One thing my parents and teachers have always told me is to think before I speak. It's worth the few extra minutes it takes to put some thought into what you are about to let come out of your mouth, because once it comes out...try as you may you can't take it back.

This year I have been paying close attention to the political race...well not really close attention, just more attention than I normally do. I can't believe how many times someone has opened their mouth only to have to come back later on and apologize and back pedal on what they said.

A recent example is the new line of ads coming from the McCain Camp. The ads equate Obama as nothing more than a celebrity similar to Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears. Ironically Paris Hilton's mother happens to be a McCain supporter and she didn't think the ads were funny at all. Maybe when they came up with the idea it seemed like it would be funny...who knows maybe if they would have actually took a minute to think about it that might have decided on something else. Bottom line is once the words come can't take them it is always a good idea to "think before you speak."